Hello everyone! Parece que o bom tempo regressou finalmente. O outfit de hoje é bem descontraído, simples e básico. O top comprei o ano passado no final do Verão com o padrão de caveiras na loja Shana, umas calças pretas da Bershka, coloquei um pequeno lenço vermelho no cabelo em forma de fita, com alguns acessórios e aproveitei e usei o novo relógio prateado (HERE) da Hoodboyz .
Hello everyone! Looks like good weather finally returned.The outfit today is very relaxed, simple and basic.The top I bought last year in late summer with the pattern of skulls in store Shana, black trousers from Bershka, put a small red scarf in the hair in strip form, with some accessories and used the new silver watch (HERE) of Hoodboyz .
Hello everyone! Looks like good weather finally returned.The outfit today is very relaxed, simple and basic.The top I bought last year in late summer with the pattern of skulls in store Shana, black trousers from Bershka, put a small red scarf in the hair in strip form, with some accessories and used the new silver watch (HERE) of Hoodboyz .
Espero que goste! | Hope you enjoy?
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